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End of product development and product support for Bosch IoT Permissions

The Bosch IoT Permissions cloud service has been available to users of the Bosch IoT Suite as a building block for IoT solutions since 2016. This service enables the independent management, authentication, and authorization of users, groups, roles, applications, and tenants. In addition, it empowers operators and companies to fully manage and monitor all relevant actions and permission allocations in accordance with compliance requirements.

However, services to reliably manage multiple users and permissions have since become an IoT-agnostic functionality. Today, organizations prefer to either use tools they already have in place for other enterprise applications or a hosted open source alternative, such as Keycloak.

Our future development efforts for the Bosch IoT Suite will concentrate on IoT-specific cloud services, with a focus on device management, asset communication, software updates, edge and data management. Consequently, we have decided to end the development of Bosch IoT Permissions. As of now, Bosch IoT Permissions will only be operated in maintenance mode for existing users until March 31, 2021.

To learn more about the Bosch IoT Suite, please go to or schedule a one-on-one demo with one of our experts.