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Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication: Implicit provisioning of devices communicating via gateways

The latest update for the Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication package, improves the “on-the-fly” registration of devices communicating via a gateway device.

The gateways – acting on behalf of the devices – trigger an implicit device registration by sending a telemetry or event message to Bosch IoT Hub. Afterwards, the digital twin is created within Bosch IoT Things based on the provided template.

To facilitate the implicit provisioning of devices which communicate via a gateway, the following changes have been implemented:

  • Bosch IoT Hub allows gateway devices to set a new property auto-provisioning-enabled.
  • Bosch IoT Things enables the implicit provisioning at the level of the Hub-Thing connection, based on a configurable template for the newly created thing.

In addition, various minor bugs have also been fixed.