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Bosch IoT Insights: Small improvements and bug fixes

We have updated Bosch IoT Insights to provide various small improvements and bug fixes:

  • We fixed a problem in the Tour-Map widget (Mapbox) that caused the tour to disappear. This happened when users tried to switch between tabs by using the tab widget.
  • We fixed a problem in the Tour-Map widget (Mapbox) were the initial zoom level option was not taken into account. This happened when users tried to switch between tabs by using the tab widget.
Colored Tour-Map widget


  • Our new Device History should now correctly initialize, even if your device attributes contain a special character (dot “.”).
    In some projects, an initialization failed because this character was used in the device properties.
Device History Tab
Device History tab


  • If a Processing Pipeline instance crashed in the startup phase, there was no error shown in our console. This made it impossible for users to analyze the problem further. We resolved this issue now and any error even in the earliest phase will be returned to the user.
  • While using the Processing Pipeline Console an error could occur if the content contained JSON like text. Parsing and visualization of this content will now work for every case.
Processing Pipeline Console
Processing Pipeline Console


  • Using the new Pipeline Processing, it was not possible to reprocess single documents via Input History.
    This has now been fixed.
Reprocessing a single file
Reprocessing a single file in Input History


  • If a user specified a default parameter in a query template, this could cause a conflict in the widget edit dialog – the user was not able to change the actual value anymore. Now, users can change the parameter accordingly.